The old saying, ‘Beards speak louder than actions’ holds true even today. Beards are the world’s worst secret keepers. They call you out if you don’t treat them well. But nurture them well, and they act as the perfect wingmen. In a country where beards are a symbol of honour and strength, there happens to be a lack of grooming products for them. St. Beard believes that every man deserves a good beard, and every beard deserves to be lovingly cared for. Committed to the use of natural ingredients, their range of body care products holds up the spirit of St. Beard. Go ahead, try them out – your body and the women in your life will be grateful!
You support the use of natural body care products.
Shea butter, Cocoa Butter and Jojoba Oil (100% Natural Beard Wax), Argan Oil and Tea Tree Oil
After drying your beard, scrape off a thumbnail-sized dab of beard wax with your finger. Rub the wax in your palm until it melts (otherwise clumps of it will be left in your beard). Rub your hands together and apply it to your beard by swiping your hands in a downwards motion on the front of your beard. Repeat until you get the beard wax all over the front of the beard. For Moustache, apply evenly and shape the way you want to. Grab a beard comb or a beard brush and gently comb your beard to shape.
24 Months
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